New and improved SolisGreen® products

Every once in a while comes a time when things need to be improved to keep up with the rapidly evolving field of science. Our SolisGreen® products were first developed almost 10 years ago and have now gone through an upgrade to be even more efficient and stable.

First things first, you might be wondering what is this SolisGreen® dye. How does it differ from SYBR® Green I?

We at Solis BioDyne think that while SYBR® Green I is the most popular and used dye, there are better options available. One of them is SolisGreen®. It shares spectral properties with other commonly used qPCR dyes (like SYBR® Green I), so you don’t have to change any of your qPCR machine settings because of the dye. qPCR mixes based on SolisGreen® dye have high sensitivity and increased performance (brighter fluorescence) with low target concentration demonstrating improved precision and less variance between technical replicates. In addition, it matches well with our room-temperature stable enzymes making it a more environmentally friendly choice.

What are HOT FIREPol® SolisGreen® products?

HOT FIREPol® SolisGreen® qPCR Mix 2.0 and SOLIScript® 1-step SolisGreen® Kit 2.0 are solutions specially designed for real-time quantitative PCR and one-step RT-PCR (RT-qPCR) assays, respectively. SolisGreen® dsDNA binding dye is incorporated into the product to evaluate the DNA amplification process during qPCR.

These products contain all the necessary components, except sample (DNA/RNA template) and primers, to perform reactions with accurate and highly sensitive results. The products include a passive reference based on ROX dye making it compatible with both ROX-dependent and ROX-independent qPCR cyclers.

Some of the applications for these products are gene expression analysis and absolute quantification, pathogen detection and quantification and low-copy gene detection. In addition, HOT FIREPol® SolisGreen® qPCR Mix 2.0 can be used for cell-free DNA analysis.

What was improved in SolisGreen® products?

The latest versions feature even greater stability. 1 month room temperature stability accompanied by up to 2 weeks stability at 37°C allows worldwide ice-free transportation and reducing your carbon footprint in the process. Additionally, these products demonstrate great reproducibility and reliability even with low-concentrated samples.

Remarkable stability at higher temperatures. Amplification plot showcasing results of stability testing with HOT FIREPol® SolisGreen® qPCR Mix 2.0. Stability testing was carried out with TUBA8 target on four 10-fold dilutions (20 ng to 20 pg) of human gDNA using Quantstudio™ 6 Pro qPCR cycler (Applied Biosystems™). The results demonstrate great sensitivity and reproducibility with high fluorescence levels when tested for 2 weeks at 37°C (yellow), and 1 month at room temperature (25 °C, red) in comparison of a product kept at -20 °C as a reference (blue).

Why choose HOT FIREPol® SolisGreen® products?

  • Good reproducibility: high reproducibility is ensured with production of each batch, promoting consistent lot-to-lot results .
  • Reliable: great amplification results even with low concentrations and low copy-number samples.
  • Easy to use: just add primers and samples and start the qPCR cycler, reducing training time and user error.
  • Environmentally friendly: the product contains a specially developed SolisGreen® dye that is environmentally friendly and safe to use. Additionally, the product is exceptionally stable enabling world-wide ice-free shipping!
  • Non-specific amplification prevention: HOT FIREPol® DNA Polymerase is activated by a 10 min incubation step at 95°C. This prevents the extension of non-specifically annealed primers and primer-dimers formed at low temperatures during qPCR setup.

Accurate quantification across a broad dynamic range! One-step RT-qPCR amplification plot showcasing extreme accuracy across a broad dynamic range. SOLIScript® 1-step SolisGreen® Kit 2.0 was used to target PPIA gene fragment using eight 10-fold serial dilutions (0.1 pg–1 μg, six replicates at each concentration) of Human Reference total RNA. Reactions were run on QuantStudio™ 6 Flex qPCR cycler (Applied BioSystems™).

When to choose HOT FIREPol® SolisGreen® qPCR Mix 2.0 and when SOLIScript® 1-step SolisGreen® Kit 2.0?

HOT FIREPol® SolisGreen® qPCR Mix 2.0 is for qPCR (for analyzing DNA samples). In addition to other applications, it allows you to do cell-free analysis.

SOLIScript® 1-step SolisGreen® Kit 2.0 is for RT-qPCR (for analyzing RNA samples).

Finally, why choose dye-based qPCR instead of probe-based qPCR?

Dye-based qPCR is very cost-effective when planning a large-scale experiment. It saves time during the experimental design phase because it only requires the proper design of primers. It’s easy to use - straightforward, with fewer reagents needed compared to probe-based methods. While in terms of specificity dye-based qPCR is not as good as probe-based options, it’s highly sensitive and capable of detecting low amounts of DNA due to the strong fluorescence signal upon binding to dsDNA. Dye-based qPCR also allows you to detect non-specific binding, which probe-based qPCR can’t do. This is especially useful during the starting phase of experiments to make sure that you are seeing correct results.

However, if you are looking to multiplex or want results with very high specificity, probe-based qPCR may be more suitable for you. Luckily, we also provide solutions for that.

Find out more:

HOT FIREPol® SolisGreen® qPCR Mix 2.0

SOLIScript® 1-step SolisGreen® Kit 2.0