Visit from a South Korean delegation

On the 4th and 5th of June representatives from South Korea visited Tartu. Their primary focus was on exploring opportunities in the fields of biotechnology and medicine, seeking potential collaborators in Estonia. We had the great pleasure of meeting the delegation and sharing our knowledge on both days of the visit.

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Finding love for PCR

The running joke with PCR is that if something can go wrong, it will go wrong. Quite often it’s even impossible to determine why some samples turned out fine while the others did not. In a situation like this, it would be amazing to know some trick or a secret to avoid spending all the time and resources to do the experiment again. Here are a few we are willing to share so that you could find love for PCR.

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Highlights of 2023

Another year has come to an end. It has been full of adventure, joy, and some mishaps as well since it wouldn’t be real life if everything was great all the time. Nevertheless, let’s focus on the positive to start the new year in a good mood and with a strong motivation to do even better.

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Introducing our services

Solis BioDyne has always welcomed all innovative ideas with open hands. In order to elevate our mission and introduce new solutions to the field of genetic testing, we are delighted to present to you our OEM service offerings. Learn how you can implement the Stability TAG technology into your business.

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