About us

Solis BioDyne has been developing and producing life science reagents since 1995, having become one of the   leading reagent suppliers in Europe today. High standards for production and service have made Solis BioDyne a trusted trademark worldwide. Our DNA polymerases, PCR Master Mixes, qPCR Mixes and other reagents are used by a quickly growing number of customers across the globe, including top research institutes and biotech-companies. Solis BioDyne has partners in both private and state sectors, with cooperation projects ranging from OEM production to scientific research.


Our vision is that every lab in the wourld would have the access of molecular biology products.


Our mission is to develop unique technologies of molecular biology products that are more stable and easier to use.


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Solis BioDyne`s production and product development takes place in a state-of-the-art laboratory, under the supervision of experienced scientists and technicians. In December 2007 Solis BioDyne acquired the ISO 9001 certificate and in November 2018 the ISO 13485 certificate. Strict production and quality control procedures enable to uphold highest quality standards. Product development is an ongoing process at Solis BioDyne – our portfolio is growing regularly. One of the ongoing projects is using ambient temperature stability technology in development of new polypeptides (Solis BioDyne OÜ, Toatemperatuuri stabiilsuse tehnoloogia rakendamine uute polüpeptiidide arendamisel. Projekti nr EU 43280, periood 07.06.2012 - 31.05.2015) in cooperation with EAS.

Personolized Service

Personalized and fast customer support is also a characteristic feature of Solis BioDyne. Finding flexible solutions to meet the needs of each individual researcher is one of our most important goals. The know-how of our science team is only a phone call or an e-mail away, making it possible to answer every customer inquiry quickly and competently. Please contact our technical support through quick form or via E-mail (info@solisbiodyne.com) and you will get answered within one working day.

Our Team

Solis BioDyne has a young professional team of 25 local and international staff. Our passion is to develop ways of providing you with top quality PCR reagents and state of the art customer service. Our research and production team is innovative and eager to develop new reagents according to new technologies. Our sales and marketing team keeps developing customer oriented strategies for your own convenience. We are always close to our customers. Please contact us if you have any questions!

Managing Board

Kadri Artma

Kadri Artma

CEO +3727409965 kadri.artma [ at ] solsbiodyne.com


admin 123123123 test [ at ] test.test

Production team

Angela Vaasa

Angela Vaasa

angela.vaasa [ at ] solsbiodyne.com
Gerly Põder

Gerly Põder

Product specialist +372 409960 gerly.poder [ at ] solsbiodyne.com
Inga Parv

Inga Parv

Product specialist 7409962 inga.parv [ at ] solsbiodyne.com
Olev Kahre

Olev Kahre

Production Director olev.kahre [ at ] solsbiodyne.com


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Description of the department
Karin Seegel

Karin Seegel

Marketing Specialist +372 409960 karin.seegel [ at ] solsbiodyne.com
Kersti Kask

Kersti Kask

Sales Manager +3727409961 kersti.kask [ at ] solsbiodyne.com
Reet Reinart-Okugbeni

Reet Reinart-Okugbeni

Sales Manager reet.reinart-okugbeni [ at ] solsbiodyne.com
Sebastien Langui

Sebastien Langui

Business developer 7409964 sebastien.langui [ at ] solsbiodyne.com
Burhan Sayili

Burhan Sayili

Sales Manager 7409960 burhan.sayili [ at ] solsbiodyne.com



Our office and our lab are located in Tartu - home to the biggest and most renowned university in Estonia. The laboratory of Solis BioDyne is situated in the Tartu Science Park. Our laboratory premises have have grown a lot lately, to make room for larger production facilities and an independent research and development laboratory.