Visit from a South Korean delegation

On the 4th and 5th of June representatives from the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology, Gangwon Technology Park, and CHA University in South Korea visited Tartu. Their primary focus was on exploring opportunities in the fields of biotechnology and medicine, seeking potential collaborators in Estonia. We had the great pleasure of meeting the delegation and sharing our knowledge on both days of the visit.

In addition to us, other biotechnology companies from Tartu were present to give a broader overview of what Estonia has to offer in terms of collaborations.
On the 4th of June, the delegation from South Korea visited Sparkup Tartu Science Park where we are located. Our Head of Sales Karl Rene Kõlvart gave a presentation during the meeting to introduce Solis BioDyne and our capabilities. Also, during the visit, Sparkup Tartu Science Park and Gangwon Technology Park signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen the scientific collaboration between our two countries in the health technology sector.

On the 5th of June, the delegation visited Tartu city government. Representatives from Tartu’s biotechnology companies were invited there to a roundtable to discuss potential collaboration possibilities. The two days were well spent, and we hope the visit was both fruitful and interesting for all participants, providing valuable insights and fostering useful connections.

Photo by Roomer Tarajev.

Photo by Kristofer Jürisoo.