Finally, we can say: our new website is live!

Our company has grown and changed over the years and our website no longer served us (or You) well. It was time for a change!

There's a significant upgrade in the appearance and overall design, but above all that, we made extra effort to give You better tools to find the right product fit for Your experiments.

We would like to invite You to take a look at:

Product Finder that covers all our products
Product Selection Guides to give a better overview of product features and benefits
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section that we update regularly
Troubleshooting Guides to help solve common problems You may encounter 
List of Selected Publications that is updated on an ongoing basis

In addition to unique product features, our main strengths are the customers and our team. We are happy to be even closer to you via the About Us section. As always we are ready to answer your questions, offer help with Your experiment set-up, and last but not least, we send out samples and orders quickly so You can continue Your work without delays.

This website is also part of the ongoing project: Development Program II (project number EU53197; project period: 1.04.2019-30.09.2020, support from European Regional Development Fond; value 180 000 €, from which the support is up to 81 000 €; description: "Ettevõtte protsesside arendamine seoses tarkvara- ja kvaliteedijuhtimissüsteemi juurutamisega - eesmärk ülevaatlikum ja ökonoomsem ettevõtte tegevuste planeerimine, töökorraldus ja aruandlus ehk üldine ettevõtte töökorralduse parendamine. Organisatsiooni arendus automatiseerimisega ja põhivara soetamisega- töökorralduse parendamine, vastamine turu nõuetele ja tootlikkuse tõus, kõrgema lisandväärtuse loomine. Tootearendamine - ettevõtte areng, käibe ja kasumi tõus, tootlikkuse tõus, vastamine turu nõuetele. Müügi- ja turundustegevuse arendamine - ekspordikäibe tõus, tootlikkuse tõus, käibe tõus")

P.s. Do not hesitate to contact us if You have any problem with Your assay, our products or services. Let us know and we will do our best to solve it quickly.